We are delighted to announce the recipient of the “Western Australia Best Practice Networker of the Year Award” was presented to Julie Pelliciari, Executive and Compliance Coordinator at Wespine Industries.
Julie received her award from Simon Hickmott, Facilitator of WA Best Practice Network.
“Best Practice Network is a great avenue to network and share learnings with other businesses across Australia and New Zealand. There is always something to learn in the journey for business excellence even from industries that are far removed from the one you work in.” Julie Pelliciari
The award recognises the countless contributions Julie has made to the manufacturing industry over many years, and for her tremendous efforts in networking and promoting excellence within the Western Australia business community.
Congratulations Julie!
Each individual winner across all Best Practice Network regions
(New Zealand, Victoria, Queensland New South Wales and Western Australia),
will go forward as the potential
Australia, New Zealand & Vietnam Best Practice Networker Award winner for 2021
to be announced on Tuesday 11 May 2021.