Another valuable year for the Best Practice Network and our members in 2019!
We really appreciate your involvement and contributions.
We were delighted to expand the Network to New Zealand, with Peter Davidson at the helm adding many prominent new members.
Two highly successful International Study Tours took place; the newly launched Vietnam Study Tour and the North America Study Tour, now running for the 4th consecutive year and going from strength to strength.
We were privileged to host two dynamic and leading International Presenters, Rakhil Hirdaramani of the Hirdaramani Group from Sri Lanka who was the keynote speaker at the National Summit, and Bob Hafey, Lean Safety Expert from the USA, who ran a series of sold out workshops across all regions.
Our wonderful team of facilitators, were thrilled to bring you over 150 diverse events across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and New Zealand, which included: Business Leaders’ Dinners, Site Visits, Special Interest Groups, CI Leaders’ Breakfasts, Innovation & Quality Forums, Workshops, Leaders Excellence Forums, TXM Training Programs and the annual National Summit.
We provided countless opportunities for engagement for our many valued members and were the platform to help create connections to enable you to share and find better ways…
We wholeheartedly thank our highly valued group of Members for hosting our events throughout the year and to all those who gave up their time to present at our events and to those who participated. We also extend our thanks to our Network partners and contributors.
Your continued contribution and collaboration is invaluable to us, and we can’t wait to do it all again in 2020.
May the festive season be filled with joy, cheerful celebration and relaxation.
Safe holidays to all.
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Kind regards,
Your Best Practice Network Team
(Bottom left to right: Bronwyn Maginnity-NZ, Neil Hooke-VIC, Vicky Schembri-VIC, Maria Yakimov-WA,
Top left to right, Peter Davidson-NZ, Ron Spiteri-QLD, Kevin Bennett-QLD, John Park-WA, Victor Caune-VIC,
Absent from photo, Kate Bennett-QLD)